Christmas is near and so...We are providing you best Christmas Animated Emoji for you.This is free app with 10000+ unique and full HD emoji and smileys of Christmas.You can send different types of animated emoji to your friends.Send emoji stickers to your friends in Whats App, Facebook Messenger, Hangouts, LINE, WeChat, email, It is very user friendly app, so easy to use. We have collect all types of emoji and smileys.Like: ☃ Santa Claus animated emojis☃ Baby Jesus animated emojis☃ Star animated emojis☃ Snowflakes animated emojis☃ Snowmen animated emojis☃ Icicles animated emojis☃ Penguins animated emojis☃ Polar bears animated emojis☃ House decorated animated emojis☃ Decorated tree animated emojis